Common Questions about Turkish Citizenship

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Common Questions about Turkish Citizenship

Comprehensive answers to all questions related to obtaining Turkish citizenship

Common Questions about Turkish Citizenship
04th July 2022
  • 4161

Many foreigners aspire to get Turkish citizenship, in various ways, because of the importance of this nationality, and the advantages that Turkey offers to its citizens, in addition to the prosperity that Turkey is experiencing, and the clear and promising future that awaits it.

In our article today, we will talk about everything related to Turkish citizenship, how to get it, and the advantages of having Turkish citizenship in details, attaching the article to the many questions about that citizenship.


Turkish citizenship and how to obtain it in 2022

The Turkish government sought to attract foreign investors to Turkey, in order to support the national currency, so it provided many facilities and advantages for real estate investors, and Turkish citizenship was one of those advantages.


How does a real estate investor get Turkish citizenship?

A foreigner who owns a property in Turkey worth at least 400,000$, and maintains ownership of the property for up to three years, can get Turkish citizenship. But, the Turkish government has set conditions for the real estate investor to get citizenship, in order to fill any gaps in the law on granting Turkish citizenship when buying a property in Turkey.


What are the conditions for a real estate investor to get Turkish citizenship?

  • The Turkish government has prohibited property recirculation:

It is an amendment to a previously existing law, which stipulates that the investor can sell the property to a Turkish citizen, who can sell it to another investor of the same nationality as the first investor. The new amendment prevents the sale from being of the same nationality as the first investor, but rather it must be of a different nationality.

  • Citizenship can only be obtained by purchasing from a Turkish citizen:

To get citizenship, the investor is not entitled to sell the property until three years after owning it, and he may sell it to a Turkish citizen, or to another foreigner. But, the foreigner in this case is not entitled to get citizenship even if he is of a different nationality than the seller, but must buy from a Turkish citizen to get citizenship.

  • The property cannot be resold to the previous owner:

When a foreigner buys a property and gets citizenship after three years of owning it, he is not entitled to resell it to the previous owner from whom he bought the property.

  • When submitting papers and getting citizenship, in the event that any forgery or lack of papers is discovered, the citizenship shall be withdrawn from its owner.
  • Whoever applies for citizenship writes an undertaking that he will not sell the property he bought until three years have passed, and that he does not violate the conditions, or the papers. In the case of something like this, the competent authority has the right to withdraw citizenship.

We must mention that all these conditions must be after fulfilling the first and most important condition, which is the purchase of a property worth at least  400,000 $. The way of getting citizenship by owning a property in Turkey remains one of the fastest ways, in addition, the matter will not stop at citizenship, as the investor will find a safe place in Turkey for his real estate investment.

What rights do those who get Turkish citizenship have?

  • He/she is treated as a native Turkish citizen, and has the right to remain in Turkey without residency
  • The right to buy, sell and own like any Turkish citizen
  • The right to participate in elections
  • He is entitled to serve in military
  • Has the right to run for elections
  • Getting jobs that only native Turks can access.


How to obtain citizenship through a marriage contract?

Turkish citizenship can be obtained by marrying a Turkish citizen. However, citizenship is not granted immediately after marriage, but after three years. Many think that marriage is a quick solution to getting Turkish citizenship, but Turkish laws did not leave a way to defraud them, so they set conditions for getting citizenship through marriage until the following conditions are met:

  • The spouses live together.
  • That the husband does not pose a threat to the security of the state or its system.
  • That they not engage in behaviors that harm their marriage.

Is it possible to get Turkish citizenship at birth?

  • Children born on Turkish territory have the right to get Turkish citizenship immediately after birth
  • A child who was born and one of his parents has Turkish citizenship, provided that the marriage contract of the parents was concluded in Turkey
  • A child who was born on Turkish territory and cannot get the citizenship of a state through his father or mother, is granted Turkish citizenship
  • A child who is born to a mother who holds Turkish citizenship, and the father is a foreigner, but outside of marriage, gets citizenship
  • A child who was born from a foreign mother and the father holds Turkish citizenship, but outside of marriage

How to get exceptional Turkish citizenship?

The Turkish government has drawn up a list of people who can get Turkish citizenship in an exceptional case, and they are:

  • Persons who apply for citizenship and are ready to make a difference for Turkey in the scientific, technological, cultural, artistic, sports fields, or any kind of services that benefit the Turkish people, and they submit their application to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to consider the matter and decide their entitlement.


Do I get citizenship by investment?

  • Citizenship can be obtained by establishing a company or buying a company with a capital of 500 thousand dollars or by depositing 500,000$ in government banks or government investments in Turkey But provided that the amount is not withdrawn before a period of at least three years.


Are there other ways to get citizenship?

  • Whoever establishes a company or trade and employs 50 employees.
  • Persons considered immigrants by the Turkish state.


Turkish citizenship by adoption:

If a Turkish citizen adopts an immature child, and proves that he does not pose a threat to the security of the state, Turkish citizenship is granted in this case to the child.


Turkish citizenship by origins:

 It must be proven by documents that the person applying has origins in Turkey, and after submitting the application, he must stay in Turkey for two years.


What are the main conditions for applying for citizenship?

Those who meet the following conditions are entitled to apply for Turkish citizenship:

  • The applicant must be an adult
  • Residing in Turkey for up to five consecutive years without interruption.
  • Documents proving that he meets the conditions of the right to apply for citizenship.

What are the conditions?

1) Establishing a trading company in Turkey

2) Owning a property in Turkey

3) Investing in Turkey

4) Working in Turkey with a work permit

5) Marrying a Turkish husband

6) Completing his/her studying in Turkey

7) Being close to a person who has Turkish citizenship

8) He/she has a profession, or a financial income sufficient to support him/herself.

9) Respecting the state's order and public security

10) Speaks Turkish well


What documents are required to get Turkish citizenship?

  • A passport, or what proves the nationality of the applicant, and if he does not have a nationality, he needs documents to prove that he is stateless.
  • Birth certificate
  • Residence permit.
  • Documents that show all the details related to the date of the first entry to Turkey, the period of stay in Turkey, the number of entry times, and the period spent inside
  • Four personal photos, which must be new
  • If there are relatives in Turkey, a copy of their Turkish identity and place of residence must be submitted.
  • In the case of marriage and children, he needs the same papers for the husband, and birth certificates for the children.


Citizenship can be obtained by a decision from the authority only

Even if foreign applicants fulfill all the necessary conditions in order to obtain Turkish citizenship, they do not get it except by a decision from the Turkish authority and in the absence of the authority's approval, citizenship is not granted.


Why Turkish citizenship?

The majority seeks to get Turkish citizenship due to Turkey's superiority over the rest of the countries, and at all levels, educationally, healthily, culturally, and in terms of tourism. In addition to the giant projects undertaken by Turkey, it is clear that the future of the Turkish economy will be promising, and therefore everyone wants to be part of the progress led by Turkey. In addition to the distinction of Turkey as a country with all its nature and loving people, living in Turkey guarantees a social life and friendly relations.


When will Turkish citizenship be revoked?

Turkish citizenship will be revoked from a Turkish citizen if he proves that he performs services for a country which interests conflict with those of Turkey. In this case, the Turkish state informs him of the need to stop these services. If he does not stop voluntarily during the three-month period, the Turkish state will forfeit his Turkish citizenship.

These services are:

  • Voluntarily perform compulsory service for the benefit of a foreign country.
  • Performing any kind of service for a country at war with Turkey

The Turkish state also revokes the nationality of the criminal involved in a case that threatens the security of the state.


Blue card

Turkish citizens who were forced to give up their Turkish citizenship in order to get the citizenship of a new country that does not allow them to have dual nationalities, apply for a blue card, which allows them to enjoy the rights of a Turkish citizen again. The right to work, invest, buy and sell, own property, learn and all rights of a Turkish citizen.


Common questions about Turkish citizenship

Below, we will answer all the questions that come to mind about Turkish citizenship:

1) How long does it take for the citizenship to be issued to the real estate investor after submitting the application?

The duration of the citizenship decision is up to 45 days, after receiving all the documents.


2) Are there conditions in the interview to apply for naturalization?

There are no conditions. After submitting the papers in full, what is left is only to study the papers file and issue a naturalization decision.


3) What is the easiest and fastest way to get Turkish citizenship?

The easiest way is to buy a property in Turkey that meets the requirements for citizenship, and citizenship will be obtained within a period of 90 days.


4) Do I get a Turkish passport after having citizenship?

Yes, those who have Turkish citizenship can apply for a Turkish passport.


5) Is it necessary to live in Turkey after purchasing a property for three continuous years to get citizenship?

No, it is not required to live in Turkey after purchasing the property.


6) Is speaking and proficiency in Turkish required to get citizenship?

No, it is not required to speak Turkish


7) Is it possible to get dual citizenship in Turkey?

Yes, Turkey does not require the applicant for citizenship to renounce his original citizenship, but rather grants him the right to dual citizenship.


8) Is it possible to get a residency in Turkey during the waiting period for citizenship?

Yes, after purchasing the property that complies with the conditions, and applying for citizenship, residency is granted to the applicant, along with his family.


9) Is citizenship granted automatically after fulfilling the conditions?

No, you must apply for citizenship


10) Am I obliged to perform military service in Turkey after getting Turkish citizenship?

Whoever gets Turkish citizenship after completing 22 years of age is exempted from military service.


11) Can a group of real estate partners get citizenship?

No, it is not possible to share the citizenship real estate; it must be for one applicant.


12) Is it required that I buy one property to obtain citizenship?

No, one property or a group of properties can be purchased, provided they are worth at least 400,000 $.


13) Do all nationalities have the right to get Turkish citizenship?

No, some nationalities are prohibited from Turkish citizenship.


14) Is it possible to appoint a person to submit papers to obtain citizenship?

Yes, it is possible to appoint a person on behalf to submit the papers, but the interview must be attended in person.


15) Does the nationality law for those who own real estate include the previous real estate?

No, it includes real estate that is purchased after the issuance of the new decision.


16) Are real estate purchased by installments covered by the citizenship decision?

Yes, citizenship can be obtained by purchasing a property by installments.


17) Do children get citizenship once their father obtains it?

Children under the age of 18 can automatically get citizenship after their father’s naturalization, while those over the age of 18 must apply independently from their father for citizenship.


18) If my child is born during my stay in Turkey but before I get citizenship, does the child get Turkish citizenship?

Yes, he gets citizenship


19) Does the father and mother get citizenship if their child gets it?

No, citizenship in Turkey is not passed on from children to parents


20) If there was a mortgage on the property before buying it, do I get citizenship?

No, the property is required not to be under a mortgage.


21) Is it required to enter the amount into Turkey through the bank?

It is required to enter the amount through the bank


22) If there is a child with special needs, does he get citizenship?

A child with special needs gets citizenship from his parents, regardless of age.


23) Does the tourist residency permits its holder to get Turkish citizenship?

No, Turkish citizenship cannot be obtained through tourist or other short-term stays.


24) After I buy the property and get the citizenship, is it permanent?

Yes, permanent citizenship, through which the full rights of a Turkish citizen can be enjoyed.


25) After getting married and having citizenship, if the husband dies, do I lose citizenship?

No, citizenship is not lost and all its benefits can be enjoyed without any restrictions.

Turkey remains distinct from other countries of the world in the facilities it provides in all procedures related to various issues.




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- Take your hand to choose the right property.
- It assists its clients in the procedures for obtaining real estate residence, Turkish citizenship, and Turkish passport.
-Signing contracts and required papers and legally ratifying them.
- Our motto is seriousness and credibility in dealing to ensure our clients successful real estate investment in Turkey.



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