Problems related to obtaining Turkish citizenship

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Problems related to obtaining Turkish citizenship

Common problems related to obtaining Turkish citizenship

Problems related to obtaining Turkish citizenship
17th October 2022
  • 1384

Recently, Turkish citizenship has become one of the most important nationalities in the world due to the advantages and disadvantages it holds for its holder. It provides him with a safer life and helps him build his investment future. It should be noted that this citizenship can be obtained easily and within very simple procedures, but sometimes you may encounter Several problems, what they are and how you can avoid them, this is what you will learn about in this article.


What are the most important problems of Turkish citizenship?

What do you know about Turkish citizenship and what are the reasons that made it the focus of real estate investors in general? What do you know about the problems with obtaining them and can they be avoided?

- The process of obtaining Turkish citizenship can be very complicated and time consuming. There are a number of requirements that must be met in order to be eligible for citizenship, and the application process can be very confusing.

- Another problem with obtaining Turkish citizenship is the language barrier. The vast majority of people who apply for Turkish citizenship do not speak Turkish fluently and this can make it very difficult to communicate with officials and fill out the papers correctly.

- Another issue with acquiring Turkish citizenship is the cost as the fees associated with applying for Turkish citizenship can be very high, and often non-refundable if the applicant is unsuccessful in their application.

- Turkey has a very attractive Citizenship by Investment program, which offers foreign investors the opportunity to obtain Turkish citizenship in exchange for investing in the country. However, there are a number of issues related to this program that potential applicants should be aware of before applying.




Can Turkish citizenship be withdrawn from its holder?

Although the Turkish government has provided a lot of facilities for those wishing to obtain Turkish citizenship, this does not mean that there are no important matters that should be taken into account according to which a citizen can lose his citizenship, namely:

The Turkish government may withdraw citizenship from:

- People who obtained Turkish citizenship by fraud or forgery

- Persons who have committed a serious crime against the Turkish state

- Persons who have been convicted of a serious crime in another country and are not considered rehabilitated in Turkey.

- In the event that it is discovered that the Turkish citizen has performed tasks and duties for the benefit of other countries at enmity with Turkey and without the permission of the Turkish authorities to do so.


What are the reasons that encourage obtaining Turkish citizenship?

There are several reasons for people to obtain Turkish citizenship. They may have a family in Turkey, or they want to become a part of Turkish culture, or perhaps they simply want to live in a country with great weather and friendly people. Whatever the reason, there are some things that people should know before they start the process of applying for Turkish citizenship.

The first thing to know is that there are two different types of Turkish citizenship: by descent and by naturalization.

Citizenship by descent is when you were born to a Turkish citizen, or if one of your parents or grandparents is a Turkish citizen, then citizenship by naturalization is when you apply for and be approved for citizenship even though you were not born in Turkey.

Applying for Turkish citizenship can be a long and complicated process, so it is important to make sure that you have all the required documents before you start and these are the required papers:

- Completed application form

- A copy of your passport

- Two passport-sized photos

- birth certificate

- Evidence of your residence in Turkey (such as a rental contract)


What are the advantages of obtaining Turkish citizenship?

Some of the advantages of obtaining Turkish citizenship are:

- The ability to live and work freely in Turkey without the need for a visa or residence permit.

- The right to vote in Turkish elections and to run for public office.

- The ability to own property in Turkey.

- Turkish citizens enjoy visa-free or on-arrival travel to 106 countries around the world, including the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada and most of Europe.

- Children born to Turkish citizens abroad automatically acquire Turkish citizenship.

- Citizenship can be passed onto future generations.

- One of the advantages of obtaining Turkish citizenship is also that Turkish law does not require that the first citizenship be relinquished and therefore both can be benefited from at the same time.


Obtaining Turkish citizenship through real estate investment

Turkish citizenship can be obtained through various investments, including real estate.

The minimum investment amount required is US$400,000, which can be in the form of one property or several properties within the commitment provided that their total price is not less than the required number.

There are some requirements that must be met in order to qualify for citizenship, including a clean criminal record and proof of financial stability.

Once the application is approved, the investor will receive a Turkish passport and will be able to live and work in Turkey indefinitely.


Turkish citizenship via bank deposit

In order to obtain Turkish citizenship through bank deposit, you must first open a bank account in Turkey and deposit at least $500,000.

After depositing the money, you can apply for Turkish citizenship and the process usually takes about 6-9 months.


How to obtain Turkish citizenship through marriage?

Here are the requirements for obtaining Turkish citizenship through marriage:

- You must have been married to a Turkish citizen for at least three years.

- You must have lived in Turkey for at least two years with a valid residence permit.

- You must be able to speak Turkish fluently.

- You must not have any criminal record in Turkey or in your home country.



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To learn about various topics regarding the real estate market in Turkey and the most important Turkish laws and regulations, you should constantly follow our website because we are keen to monitor through it all new that interests you, answer your questions and enrich your information, and do not forget that Binaa Real Estate is always ready to help you.


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