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Turkish citizenship questions

When will Turkish citizenship be revoked from its bearer?

When a person is found guilty of an act that constitutes a threat to national security or public order, or an act of treason against the Republic of Turkey, he/she may be stripped of his/her Turkish citizenship and this can include conviction for espionage or terrorist-related activities and the same applies if a person is sentenced to imprisonment for more than from two years for the commission of an offense other than that related to politics or freedom of the press.

Another case in which citizenship can be withdrawn is if it is found that a citizen has obtained his citizenship through fraudulent means, such as providing false information or documents when applying for citizenship.

In addition, the government may revoke a person's citizenship if he or she has lived abroad for more than five consecutive years without obtaining permission from the relevant authorities.

Revocation of citizenship can have serious repercussions for those affected, as it often results in their inability to return to Turkey and the confiscation of their property by the government.

How do I get Turkish citizenship by investment?

You can get Turkish citizenship by investing in one of the following ways:

  1. Purchasing a property worth $450000 and keeping it for 3 years
  2. Bank deposit of 500 thousand US dollars for 3 years
  3. Investment in fixed assets of 500 thousand US dollars
  4. Employ at least 50 Turkish citizens in your own company

How to obtain Turkish citizenship through bank deposit?

Obtaining Turkish citizenship through a $500,000 bank deposit is a viable method for those looking to obtain Turkish citizenship. The process is relatively simple, and it can be done by following these steps:

  1. Opening a bank account in Turkey To do this, you will need to provide proof of identity and relevant documents.
  2. Deposit $500,000 into your new bank account and it must be done in one transaction.
  3. Submit an application for citizenship with the Turkish government and you will need to submit your passport and other documents as part of the application process.
  4. Once your application is approved, you will obtain Turkish citizenship and will be given a Turkish passport.


The process of obtaining Turkish citizenship through a bank deposit can take several months to complete, so it is important to plan ahead if this is the desired path to citizenship.

What is the naturalization law in Turkey

The naturalization law in Turkey, published in the Turkish Official Gazette on 09-19-2018, includes the possibility of applying for Turkish citizenship, by one of the following methods:

Buying a property worth more than $ 250,000 and not selling it for 3 years

A fixed investment of at least $ 500,000 USD

Providing a job opportunity for at least 50 Turkish citizens

Deposit in a Turkish bank for an amount of not less than 500 thousand dollars

What is the Turkish passport and its four types?

An ordinary passport is issued to all citizens of Turkey who are entitled to travel abroad. This passport is valid for 10 years and can be renewed when needed and allows its holder to travel to any country except those that have imposed visa restrictions on Turkish citizens.

Diplomatic passports are issued to all members of the Turkish diplomatic corps and their family members traveling with them and can be renewed when it expires. Diplomatic passports allow their holders to travel visa-free in almost all countries.

 A special passport is issued to public officials and other individuals with special permission from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and can be renewed when needed. Special passports allow its holders to travel visa-free in almost all countries.

An official passport is issued to public officials who travel abroad on official business, and it can be easily renewed.

What are the main problems that you face when obtaining Turkish citizenship?

The first issue is the length of time it can take to become a citizen, and the application process can take up to several years, or even longer depending on an individual's circumstances and this can be particularly difficult for those who need immediate citizenship, such as refugees or those seeking citizenship. on work visas.

Another problem is language barriers. People who do not speak Turkish may find it difficult to understand the papers and other documents required for the application process and this can lead to confusion and delay in obtaining citizenship.

Finally, bureaucratic red tape can also be a problem when trying to obtain Turkish citizenship. The government has strict rules and regulations that must be followed in order to obtain the necessary documents and permissions required to obtain citizenship. This can be a lengthy process without a guarantee of success, which can be frustrating for many. applicants.

In general, applying for Turkish citizenship can present many challenges and problems and although there are potential difficulties, those who dedicate themselves to this process should not give up the hope of becoming citizens of this beautiful country.

How do I get Turkish citizenship by buying a property?

You can get Turkish citizenship by owning real estate in Istanbul or any other Turkish city, with a value of 250 thousand US dollars, provided that ownership of the property is maintained for 3 years.

How to obtain Turkish citizenship?

Turkish citizenship can be obtained through 4 methods as follows:

1- The first method: Residence in Turkey for 5 continuous years with a work permit.

2- The second method: exceptional Turkish citizenship, which is granted in special cases that include holders of higher degrees.

3- The third method: real estate investment at an amount of more than 250 thousand dollars, with a pledge not to sell the property for 3 years.

4- The fourth method: Obtaining Turkish citizenship after 3 years of marriage to a Turkish citizen or a Turkish citizen.

How do you obtain exceptional citizenship?

The Turkish state offers exceptional Turkish citizenship to those who present to the nation a scientific or technical achievement and this is an opportunity for individuals who have made significant contributions in their field of expertise to gain recognition from the Turkish government.

To be eligible, applicants must submit an official application to the Ministry of Interior and provide evidence of their exceptional achievement. The achievement must be of a scientific or technical nature and be beneficial to the Turkish state. Successful applicants will then be granted citizenship after a period of review by the Ministry

This path to Turkish citizenship is open to both foreign and local citizens and those who qualify for this special process may enjoy all the benefits and privileges that come with being a citizen of Turkey, including access to government services, travel rights and the ability to participate in elections.

Applicants should note that applying for citizenship via this route requires accurate documentation and is subject to strict criteria and it is advisable that they seek professional advice when preparing their application to ensure that they meet all necessary requirements.

How long does the process of obtaining citizenship take in return for buying a property?

The Turkish government has opened a special office for naturalization to receive investors' requests and speed up the study of files. The period for issuing the naturalization decision reaches 45 days after receiving the completed file of documents.

How long does it take to obtain Turkish citizenship?

Obtaining Turkish citizenship can be a long and complicated process and for those looking to become citizens of Turkey, the time frame for obtaining citizenship can vary greatly depending on the circumstances of the individual and in general, the process can take anywhere from twelve to eighteen months up to completion.

Applicants must have a valid residence permit in order to apply for Turkish citizenship Individuals who do not have legal residence in Turkey cannot apply for citizenship The application must be submitted to a local government office with the required documents and fees The application will then be reviewed by various government agencies before approving or rejecting it.

Is the investor's family included in the Turkish citizenship file?

Yes, the foreign investor can include the spouse and children under the age of 18 in the citizenship file. When the approval of the naturalization decision is issued, they can get a Turkish passport from Turkey, or through the Turkish embassy in their country.

How much is the right property to obtain Turkish citizenship?

The property purchased on 09/19/2018 and later must have a value of at least $ 250,000.

The property purchased between 01/12/2017 and 09/18/2018 must have a value of at least $ 1 million.

What are the most important advantages of obtaining Turkish citizenship?

Visa-free travel is one of the main benefits of obtaining Turkish citizenship, as a Turkish citizen, individuals have the right to visit more than 100 countries without the need to obtain a visa and this includes all member states of the European Union, in addition to countries in the Middle East and North Africa and most of Asia and this advantage alone Turkish citizenship makes it very attractive to people who want to explore different parts of the world.

In addition to visa-free travel, Turkish citizens also benefit from access to world-class healthcare, education, and cultural opportunities. Thanks to its well-developed infrastructure and healthcare system, Turkey offers excellent medical care to its citizens. Moreover, its universities are consistently ranked among the best in the world. As a country with deep historical roots and multiple cultures, Turkey offers an abundance of culturally enriching experiences to its citizens.

What are the papers required to obtain Turkish citizenship?

- To apply for Turkish citizenship, you must present a valid passport, birth certificate, marriage certificate, divorce certificate (if any), residence permit, and proof of legal residence in Turkey.

- Applicants must also submit documents that prove their financial stability. This includes proof of income such as salary slips, bank statements, title deeds, and tax returns.

- Depending on the applicant's individual circumstances, additional documents may be required and may include a criminal record check, military service papers (if applicable), and medical reports.

- In the event that you want to obtain it through real estate investment, you should know that you must obtain a real estate appraisal document that controls and determines the price of the property accurately and without any manipulations by sellers or buyers.

What are the ways to get Turkish citizenship?

  1. Getting Turkish citizenship by proof of Ottoman origin
  2. Getting Turkish citizenship through marriage
  3. Getting Turkish citizenship by adoption
  4. Getting Turkish citizenship through residency
  5. Getting Turkish citizenship by investment

Why is obtaining Turkish citizenship through real estate investment the best option?

Obtaining Turkish citizenship through real estate investment is one of the most attractive and cost-effective options for international individuals looking to access the country's many advantages. The process is relatively simple and straightforward, with a number of attractive advantages that make it an attractive investment opportunity.

 Turkish citizenship can be obtained quickly - in some cases, within just three months of purchase. This makes it ideal for those who need to move quickly and don't want to wait for months or years trying to obtain citizenship through other means. In addition, the investment cost is low. Relatively compared to other methods of obtaining citizenship, with a minimum purchase of real estate that does not exceed 400,000 US dollars.

Buying real estate also provides a host of additional benefits for those seeking Turkish citizenship. Not only does it provide an easy way to obtain citizenship, but it can also offer a financial return on investment as well as providing a safe base from which to work if you choose to remain in Turkey.

Can Syrians get Turkish citizenship by investing in real estate?

No, because Turkish law does not allow Syrian citizens to buy property in Turkey, but there are other ways for Syrians to get Turkish citizenship, which are as follows:

  1. Fixed investment of USD 500,000
  2. Create job opportunities for 50 Turkish employees
  3. Bank deposit of 500 thousand US dollars
  4. Getting a work permit for 5 years
  5. Marrying a Turkish person

How to obtain Turkish citizenship

Turkish citizenship can be obtained through real estate investment in an amount of more than 250 thousand dollars in Turkey, with a pledge not to sell the property 3 years ago.

What are the important motives for obtaining Turkish citizenship?

Turkey's developed infrastructure is one of the main drivers for obtaining Turkish citizenship as the country boasts of well-maintained and efficient roads, highways, and railways, providing citizens with excellent travel options both domestically and internationally. In addition, the telecommunications network is modern and reliable.

Turkey's strategic location provides citizens with easy access to Europe, Asia and the Middle East, and this makes it an ideal location for business opportunities and international travel. In addition, it is a member of NATO and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, which gives citizens access to many benefits related to these organizations.

The economy in Turkey is strong and stable, and provides citizens with economic security. The country has made great progress in recent years when it comes to economic growth, making it an attractive destination for those looking to invest or start a business. Moreover, the currency is strong and fluctuations are minimal.

Turkey real estate questions

What are the reasons for preventing Syrians from buying real estate in Turkey?

The Syrian conflict has had a profound and devastating impact on the country, its people, and the region. As the war continues, Turkey has taken a number of steps to limit the number of Syrian refugees crossing into its lands and to protect its citizens. One of these measures is to restrict the purchase of real estate by Syrian citizens in Turkey.

In addition, due to the ongoing conflict in Syria, it has become difficult for Syrians to obtain loans from banks in Turkey and this limits their ability to purchase real estate in the country.

What are the reasons for living and settling in Turkey?

- Turkey has a mild climate, which makes it a great place to live all year round with warm summers and mild winters, the country offers a comfortable climate all year round.

- Turkey is a relatively affordable country to live in, especially when compared to other European countries and this makes it a great option for those on a budget and still want to experience another country's culture.

- Turkish culture is one of the oldest civilizations in the world, with thousands of years of influence from many different cultures making it an interesting and unique place to explore and experience.

- The infrastructure of Turkey's cities is modern and efficient, with good public transportation options and plenty of amenities available to residents.

- The strategic location of the country makes it within reach of other countries in Europe, Asia and the Middle East and this makes it easy to travel abroad or do business with other countries in the region.

Turkey offers some of the best healthcare services in the world, with its advanced medical infrastructure, quality facilities and affordable care, it is an ideal place for those looking for quality healthcare.

What are the problems of buying real estate in Turkey?

  • Not selecting the required option in advance such as the size of the apartment, the asking price ...
  • Rush to make a purchase decision without visiting the property site.
  • Failure to match the property specifications stated in the ownership contract with the real estate on the ground.
  • Buying the property without a real estate expert with no experience.
  • Purchasing the property on the plan may cause a problem in the absence of sufficient liquidity to complete the project.

What are the steps to buying a property in Turkey?

Submit a request to transfer ownership to the security authorities.

Choose the right property.

Preparing the following papers: a copy of the title deed + a statement of the signatory from the municipality + 4 personal photos.

Obtaining the tax number from the tax department.

Translation of the passport into the Turkish language and its attestation by the notary "Notre".

Signing the purchase contract with the seller and submitting a down payment.

Submit a request to transfer ownership to the security authorities.
