The easiest countries to obtain citizenship

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The easiest countries to obtain citizenship

The easiest countries in the world to obtain citizenship

The easiest countries to obtain citizenship
13th October 2022
  • 1481

Many people are looking for a second nationality to be dual nationals, as this gives them a lot of preference, privileges and advantages, and this is especially important for businessmen, investors and others, but which countries are the best for obtaining their citizenship? Is it European countries or American citizenship or Turkish? This is what you can learn about in this article.


What are the easiest countries to obtain citizenship?

In order to know the adequate answer to this question, follow the following paragraphs, through which we will shed light on some nationalities and the conditions for applying to them, as we will talk about the 6 fastest nationalities:

1 - Dominican Republic citizenship

The Dominican Republic offers many advantages to those seeking citizenship, including no personal income taxes, low cost of living, political stability and the country also provides a gateway to Latin America and the Caribbean.

To be eligible for Dominican citizenship, an applicant must meet the following conditions:

You must be at least 18 years old.

You have a clean criminal record.

Residency in the Dominican Republic for at least five years.

You have a valid passport.

Demonstrate your understanding of the Spanish language.


2 - Belgian nationality

The process of obtaining Belgian citizenship is relatively simple and straightforward, provided you meet all the conditions.

The advantages of Belgian citizenship include:

- You will have the right to live and work in any country in the European Union

- You will have the right to vote in the European elections

- You will have free access to education and healthcare in Belgium

- You will be able to pass on your Belgian citizenship to your children.

- In this regard, it is necessary to mention something about obtaining Belgian citizenship, which is that one of its many advantages is that it is one of the easiest European nationalities at all.


3 - Polish citizenship

The advantages of obtaining Polish citizenship include:

- The right to live and work in any country within the European Union

- Access to health care and education free of charge in Poland

- Ability to vote in Polish elections

- A Polish passport allows visa-free travel to many countries around the world.


Conditions for obtaining Polish citizenship include:

- You are 18 years of age or older

- Holds a valid passport

- Residence in Poland for at least 3 years

- Possession of a clean criminal record

- Pass the test of the Polish language, history and culture.


4 - Brazilian nationality

- Brazilian citizenship is obtained by descent from a Brazilian parent, naturalization, or marriage to a Brazilian citizen.

- Minors under the age of 18 may be eligible for citizenship if at least one parent is a Brazilian citizen.

- Adults over the age of 18 may qualify for citizenship if they have lived in Brazil for at least four continuous years and can speak Portuguese and must also pass a test in Brazilian history and culture.

- Marrying a Brazilian citizen does not guarantee citizenship as well as non-nationals, but it may simplify the process.


5- Peruvian nationality

Here are the most important advantages of obtaining Peruvian citizenship:

- The right to live and work in Peru without restrictions.

- Right to vote in Peruvian elections.

- Right to own property in Peru.

- The right to enter and leave Peru without a visa.

- Peruvian citizens are eligible for free education in public schools up to the university level.

- Peruvian citizens are also eligible for free healthcare in public hospitals and clinics.


Conditions for obtaining Peruvian citizenship:

To become a citizen of Peru, you must meet the following conditions:

You must be 18 years or older and you must have lived in Peru for at least two years before applying for citizenship If you are married to a Peruvian citizen, you only need to live in the country for one year and you must be able to speak Spanish Fluent, and you must have a clean criminal record in both Peru and your country.


6 - Turkish citizenship

There are many reasons why foreigners want to obtain Turkish citizenship. Some people want to live in Turkey permanently or retire there, while others may want to take advantage of the country's generous citizenship program by investment because according to government facilities you will not have obtained Not only citizenship but also entered your investment world.


Conditions for obtaining Turkish citizenship:

To be eligible for Turkish citizenship, applicants must meet the following criteria:

You must be at least 18 years old. Have a clean criminal record.

To be in good health and not suffer from infectious diseases.

Have sufficient financial resources to support themselves and their families.

Not to constitute a threat to national security.

Be able to speak Turkish proficiently.


It is nice that Turkish citizenship has been listed among the most important nationalities of the world, which is easy to obtain, and in fact, the foreign turnout to apply for it is great, especially through real estate investment, and this is according to statements issued by the competent official authorities.

In Binaa Real Estate, we offer our clients the service of assistance in obtaining Turkish citizenship by placing several offers in their hands that are suitable for citizenship and conform to its conditions, so that they can choose from them what suits their aspirations.

Do not forget to visit our website continuously to see the most important various topics related to the real estate market in Turkey, and to find answers to your various questions.


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