The most prominent ways to get Turkish citizenship by investment

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The most prominent ways to get Turkish citizenship by investment

Learn about the details and ways of getting Turkish citizenship by investment; the fastest way to do so is through real estate ownership in Turkey, besides the facilities provided by the Turkish government in this regard.

The most prominent ways to get Turkish citizenship by investment
29th April 2021
  • 12922

Getting Turkish citizenship by investment has become a legitimate window for international investors to expand their commercial activities to include different countries due to many factors, including the tangible difference in passports ranks of countries that give their owner the ability to move.

This drives foreign citizens, especially investors, to seek to acquire an additional passport that enhances their regional and international opportunities by getting a second nationality, which is no longer just a luxury at present.

Citizenship by investment in Turkey

Many countries grant their nationality to foreign investors, on different conditions that vary in complexity; however, concerning getting Turkish citizenship by investment, it is easier and less complicated with the highest benefit, especially upon the recent amendments to the new Turkish Naturalization Act.

The recent adoption of the Turkish nationality Act has attracted new groups of foreign investors in general, including Arab and Iranian investors in particular, as well as new large sectors of Pakistani, Indian and Bangladeshi citizenship holders. All of them want to get Turkish citizenship while taking advantage of the powerful Turkish passport advantages.

In the last amendment to the previous Turkish Naturalization Act of 2018, the required minimum investments to get Turkish citizenship has been reduced, which we will review the most prominent of them in the following paragraphs, according to the investment type.


Ways to obtain Turkish citizenship by investment

What makes Turkish citizenship a real opportunity is that it can be applied for in more than one way and means, and the following are the details

1- Turkish citizenship in return for a real estate investment

The minimum required to invest in the real estate sector in order to get Turkish citizenship has decreased from one million US dollars, in the previous Turkish Nationality Act, to only 250 thousand dollars, provided that you commit not to sell the property or transfer its ownership for three years، This law was in effect until the middle of last year 2022 AD, when the Turkish government issued a decision to raise the minimum amount from $250,000 to $400,000.

There are many ways to purchase a property online or in person, so you can get Turkish citizenship, which is provided by "Binaa Investment" company, through a group of attractive offers that also meet the Turkish citizenship conditions.

This includes offering apartments for sale in Turkey in various distinct areas with offers, at preferential prices, and attractive features such as apartments for sale in Istanbul with the Turkish government guarantee, and apartments for sale in Turkey with an investment return

In addition to apartments for sale in Istanbul with sea views, and near major projects of a promising investment future, such as the residential compounds that are near the Istanbul Aqueduct Project Scheme, or on Istanbul's third airport road.


2- Turkish citizenship in return for a bank deposit

Turkey has become a destination for global capital due to the provided advantages for maintaining and developing investments in various currencies.

Not to mention the incentives provided by the Turkish government to attract new investments annually, including granting Turkish citizenship in exchange for a bank deposit on specific conditions.

The minimum amount to be deposited in a Turkish bank has been decreased from 3 million US dollars (3,000,000 $) to 500 thousand US dollars (500,000 $), provided that you commit not to withdraw the deposited amount for three years, as a minimum. Thus, you and your family will get Turkish citizenship in exchange for the bank deposit.

3- Turkish citizenship in return for buying state bonds

State bonds are one of the most common ways to invest capitals safely. It has become a way to get Turkish citizenship as well.

Also, the minimum required to get citizenship by purchasing state bonds has been reduced from $ 3 million ($ 3,000,000) to $ 500 thousand ($ 500,000).

4- Turkish citizenship in return for employing Turkish employees

Within the amendments made by the Turkish government to the Turkish Citizenship Act, it facilitated the procedures of this method by reducing the number of Turkish citizens from 100 employees to at least 50 Turkish employees.

The best ways to get Turkish citizenship

In the previous paragraphs, we reviewed several legal ways to get Turkish citizenship by investment; however, we note that real estate investment is the best one for several reasons, including:

  • The lowest sum of money you pay for getting Turkish citizenship by investment.
  • You will get an excellent property or group of properties in return for your investment


  • You can live in the property for three years, then resell it for productive profits.
  • You can rent the property during the 3-year period and benefit from good profit returns by leasing, then by reselling as well.
  • The fastest time to get Turkish citizenship within approximately 90 days.
  • You, your wife and your children under 18 years old get Turkish citizenship. As for those residing with you of the grown-up children and family members, they get residence permits in Turkey under the property owned in your name.

The best real estate to get Turkish citizenship

The residential compounds include a range of high-end services, such as social and sports facilities, including swimming pools, sports clubs, children playgrounds, broad green spaces, and parking lots for residents and guests.

The best residential projects in Istanbul have solid infrastructure, as well as strategic locations in a charming natural landscape, withgorgeous views of the sea  and lakes, or green forests and valleys, and between lakes and rivers.


Perhaps you prefer to live in the city centre, near the financial and business centres, and the new urban in the city.

Whatever your choice, Binaa Investment has a carefully selected constellation of the best projects that fit Turkish citizenship requirements. Do not hesitate to ask for your free consultation.

What are the advantages of Turkish citizenship?

Since Turkey is a first-class tourist country, with its tourist attractions, both historical and natural, it attracts tens of millions of tourists from all over the world every year.

As many reasons still push many citizens around the world to favour Turkey as a strategic option for investment, settlement and recreation, among them:

  • The similar societiesand the common cultural patterns between the Turks and the peoples of the region, including Arabs, Persians, Kurds, as well as the peoples of Central Asia who speak Turkish, Urdu and other languages. There are many things in common, religiously and morally, even the tiny details of life, such as types of food and clothing.
  • The political and security stability in Turkey.


  • The appropriate educational environmenthas been an obsession for many immigrants in Western countries. Its absence has resulted in alienation and denial of the original identity of many of the youth there. Through its environment and culture, Turkey has become a compromise that combines the latest advancements in Western civilization in Europe while preserving the originality and inherited values ​​in customs and traditions.

There are several educational options in Turkey, such as Arab schools, international schools in Istanbul, bilingual schools and state schools of Imams and Preachers.

These schools adopt a compromise approach of the sciences, both religious and universal parts, where the Arabic language and religious subject are taught, such as the Qur’an, hadith, and beliefs, besides teaching scientific and literary subjects and the arts.

It is worth noting that the schools of Imams and Preachers enable their students to enrol in Turkish universities like other schools.

In conclusion, if you decide to be on the journey of real estate ownership, settlement or investment in Turkey, do not hesitate to discuss the available options with our real estate consultants. They are happy to serve you in four languages, offer the best opportunities, plus other support services before and after purchasing the property in Turkey, as well as preparing Turkish citizenship files for you and your family under the supervision of a Turkish lawyer.


Other ways to obtain Turkish citizenship

In addition to all the ways and methods that we referred to through the previous paragraphs about the methods of obtaining Turkish citizenship, there are also other methods that are suitable for some, such as marrying a Turkish citizen or a Turkish citizen, provided that the marriage continues for a period of not less than 3 years and proves that the marriage is based on the goal of establishing a family and can be obtained It is obtained through adoption, and the adopted person must be under the age of 18 and not pose any danger or threat to public security in the country, and add to your information that it can be obtained by proving the extension of the lineage to the Turkish state by presenting official papers.


Papers required to obtain Turkish citizenship

In order to obtain Turkish citizenship, applicants must submit several important documents, including a valid passport and identity card, in addition to proof of current residence in Turkey and documents proving financial or employment stability. In addition, applicants must submit a criminal background check and an application form. Finally, all documents must be in Turkish or translated into the language.


How long does it take to get Turkish citizenship?

Citizenship through investment is one of the fastest ways ever, especially if it is through real estate investment, as the period ranges from 3 to 6 months at the latest. As an investor, you will not only obtain citizenship, but also start your project to invest in the real estate sector, meaning that you hit two goals at the same time.


What about children over the legal age?

According to Turkish law, children over the age of eighteen are not entitled to obtain it, and therefore they must search for another way to enable them to reside in this country without facing any legal problems such as real estate residence, tourist residence, or student residence if it is within the study stage.


The Turkish passport, its advantages and advantages

With the Turkish passport, citizens can enjoy a high-standard life with low costs compared to other countries. In addition, the Turkish passport allows easy travel to more than 121 countries without a routine visa upon entry. Moreover, these countries include 26 countries in Schengen with the advantage of ease. Entry This is especially useful for those who want to explore different parts of the world In addition, Turkish citizens are entitled to benefit from all the rights enjoyed by Turkish citizens, as well as obtaining a passport and citizenship within only 30 working days according to the new laws Finally, Turkey provides its citizens An advantage due to its unique location between Europe and Asia, as it connects two important continents and overlooks many important straits and seas and acts as a link between East and West.


When is the Turkish citizenship withdrawn from its holder?

Turkish citizenship may be withdrawn from its holder if it is found that he is providing services to a foreign country that does not have common interests with Turkey, and the Turkish authorities may revoke any Turkish citizenship if it is proven that the person concerned has acted in a way that does not comply with the interests of Turkey, and this includes volunteer work for a foreign country or providing services that are not benefit the interests of Turkey.


Exceptional Turkish citizenship

This nationality is granted to anyone who presents a scientific or technical achievement to the Turkish state that will be of great benefit to it and its economy, as well as politicians, celebrities, businessmen, and important personalities.

Services Binaa Real Estate is proud to provide to its clients:

Apartments for sale in Istanbul suitable for obtaining Turkish citizenship.
-Exclusive offers and properties considered the best in the Turkish real estate market.
Real estate prices are studied and guaranteed.
- Ensure the smooth running of the property purchase process and take care of all the arrangements.
Marketing your property and selecting distinguished clients.
An integrated team of experts to answer any questions about a successful real estate investment journey in Turkey, just contact us.


Edited by: Binaa Investment ©

Source: Official Turkish Newspaper + Turk Press


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