The best way to obtain Turkish citizenship

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The best way to obtain Turkish citizenship

The best way to obtain Turkish citizenship

The best way to obtain Turkish citizenship
18th January 2021
  • 7306

As many investors seek to expand their investment fields, many investors resort to obtaining an additional passport to enhance their opportunities and expand their options by possessing a nationality other than the original nationality.

Turkey is considered one of the most attractive countries among the countries that grant facilities to obtain its nationality, especially after amending the law on granting Turkish citizenship.

The approval of the recent amendments to the Turkish nationality law in 2017 has contributed significantly to attracting many foreign investors in general, and Arabs among them in particular who wish to obtain Turkish citizenship with a strong Turkish passport.

As the minimum limits for investments required to obtain Turkish citizenship have been reduced, and below we review the minimum required limits according to the type of investment.

What are the most effective ways for investors to obtain Turkish citizenship?

To encourage investment in the real estate sector in order to obtain citizenship, the Turkish government decided to reduce the minimum required investment from one million US dollars to 250 thousand dollars, equivalent to a quarter of the previously approved value, but on the condition of undertaking not to transfer, transfer or withdraw the investment for a period of 3 years.

In turn, the pioneer of real estate investment in Turkey, "Bena Real Estate Consulting", provides a set of high-end, modern-style offers that also fulfill the conditions of Turkish citizenship.

The Turkish government provides several ways for investors wishing to invest in real estate to obtain their lands to ensure obtaining Turkish citizenship, the most prominent of which are:

1-Turkish citizenship through marriage

Turkish citizenship can be obtained by marrying a Turkish citizen, but there are certain conditions that must be met in order for the marriage to be suitable for citizenship. The spouses must have been married for at least two years, the foreign spouse must have lived in Turkey for at least five years and the foreign spouse must also prove that he is of good character and has no criminal record. In this context, it must be noted, however, that citizenship can only be obtained after 3 years from the date of marriage in order to be sure that it is real and not for the purpose of applying for citizenship only.


2 - Turkish citizenship through adoption

Turkish citizenship through adoption is possible but there are certain conditions that must be met:

-The adoptive parent(s) must be Turkish citizens and the child must be under 18 years old.

-The adoption process must be completed in Turkey and the child must live in Turkey for at least five years after the completion of the adoption process.


3- Nationality by proof of origins

Turkish citizenship can be obtained with proof of origins, and the father, grandfather or one of the first-degree relatives may be Turkish. The mother may also be a Turkish citizen. There are many other requirements that must be met.


4- Exceptional Turkish citizenship

There is one special item for those who have made a scientific or technical achievement for Turkey. Under this one, the Council of Ministers may grant Turkish citizenship to any foreigner who has made a significant scientific or technical contribution to Turkey.

This could include inventors, scientists, engineers or other experts whose work has benefited Turkey. In order to be eligible for this type of Turkish citizenship, you must first apply to the Ministry of Industry and Technology. If your application is approved, you will then need to petition the Council of Ministers.


5-Bank deposit:

You can obtain Turkish citizenship by depositing an amount of five hundred thousand US dollars in an account in a Turkish bank, provided that the deposited amount is not withdrawn for a minimum of 3 years.

Purchasing government bonds: The minimum required to obtain citizenship is to buy government bonds worth five hundred thousand US dollars.


6-Recruiting Turkish citizens:

where the investor can employ at least 50 Turkish citizens to secure Turkish citizenship.

Buying real estate: Among the aforementioned methods, the procedures for obtaining Turkish citizenship by purchasing a property are one of the fastest and most effective methods, as the waiting period does not exceed 90 days before obtaining citizenship.

From the above, it seems that the last step taken by the Turkish government to facilitate the conditions required of foreign investors wishing to obtain their nationality has aroused the interest of investors, especially the Arabs.

This interest indicates that Turkey remains a "safe haven" for many investors. The current statistics regarding applications to obtain Turkish citizenship through investment and real estate sales are very promising.


Documents required to obtain Turkish citizenship:

The documents required to obtain Turkish citizenship are:

  1. A copy of your passport.
  2. A completed application form.
  3. Two passport size photos.
  4. Birth certificate.
  5. Marriage certificate (if any).
  6. Proof of residence in Turkey (e.g., water and electricity bills, rental contract, etc.).


General conditions for obtaining Turkish citizenship

There are several conditions that must be met to obtain Turkish citizenship. The applicant must have lived in Turkey for at least five years.

-The applicant must be able to speak Turkish fluently.

-The applicant must also have a job or source of income in Turkey.

-Also, the applicant must not have any criminal record in Turkey or any other country.


What are the advantages of Turkish citizenship?

Turkey is known to be a tourist country par excellence, as its historical, natural and hospital attractions attract tens of millions of- tourists every year from all over the world.

In addition to tourism, there are many reasons that still drive many Arabs to favor Turkey as a country for investment and stability,- including:

-The nature of societies is similar, and the cultural pattern between Arabs and Turks is shared in many of its aspects, starting with the major religious and moral commonalities, and ending with the simplest details of life such as types of food and clothing ...

-The political and security stability in Turkey.

-The appropriate educational atmosphere, which has rightfully formed an obsession for many Arab refugees in Western countries, as there are many educational options in Turkey, such as Arab schools, international schools in Istanbul and bilingual schools.

-Turkish citizenship offers many benefits, including visa-free travel to countries in the Schengen area, the United Kingdom and the United States.

-The right to live and work in Turkey in various governmental and private sectors and access to free education and health care.

-Turkish citizens also have the right to vote in Turkish elections.

-Visa-free travel to the European Union.

-The right to free education in Turkey up to the university level.

- A stable political environment.


Why is real estate the best way to obtain Turkish citizenship?

There are many reasons why real estate is the best way to obtain Turkish citizenship.

First of all, this is the most direct way. You can apply for Turkish citizenship directly by investing in real estate, without having to go through any other ways such as family ties or employment.

Another reason is that it is a relatively simple process. The procedure to apply for citizenship by investing in real estate is relatively simple, and there are many agencies and attorneys who can help you with the process.

Finally, real estate investment is a safe way to obtain Turkish citizenship. Your investment will be protected by Turkish law, and you will be able to sell your property at any time if you need to.


The importance of buying real estate in Turkey:

In addition to the great desire to obtain Turkish citizenship through real estate investment in Turkey, there are a number of other reasons that encourage foreigners and investors to buy real estate, the most important of which are:

-Turkey is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. With its stunning scenery, rich culture, and friendly people, it is no wonder that so many people are choosing to buy property in it.

-There are many reasons why buying real estate in Turkey is a good idea. The country offers a great lifestyle, with plenty of opportunities to enjoy the outdoors, whether you're into skiing, hiking or just relaxing on the beach.

- There is the food - Turkish cuisine is among the best in the world.

However, there are also some practical reasons to invest in Turkish real estate. The country's economy is growing rapidly, which makes it an attractive place to invest your money. With Turkey ready to become a full member of the European Union over the next few years, now is the time to buy before prices start to rise.


The importance of the Turkish passport

In 2022, the Turkish passport is among the 37 best passports in the world. The importance of the Turkish passport and its global standing during 2022 is due to a number of factors.

First, Turkey is working hard to improve its relations with other countries around the world. This has led to an increase in the number of countries willing to grant visa-free entry on arrival to Turkish citizens.

Second, Turkey is making significant investments in its infrastructure and economy. These improvements have made Turkey a more attractive destination for tourists and business travelers alike. As a result, more people are interested in traveling to Turkey with a Turkish passport.

Finally, Turkey's recent membership in NATO has also helped boost its global image and standing. This has resulted in more countries being willing to grant visa-free visas


Turkish passport types

There are different types of passports in Turkey. The type of passport you have will determine the benefits and privileges you get, as well as the validity of your passport. The most common types of passports in Turkey are:

-Service passports: They are issued to government officials and employees who need to travel on official business.

-Official passports: issued to senior government officials such as ambassadors and ministers.

-Diplomatic passports: issued to diplomats who represent their country in another country.


Advantages of a Turkish passport

1- Passport power: The Turkish passport grants visa-free access upon arrival to 119 countries around the world.

  1. Ease of travel: Turkey is a convenient location for traveling to many different places around the world. It is relatively easy to obtain a Turkish passport.
  2. Economic Opportunities: The Turkish passport holder can benefit from the country's strong economy and its membership in the European Union.
  3. A safe country: Turkey is generally considered a safe country, with a low crime rate and good general security conditions.
  4. Quality of life: Turkey offers a high quality of life, with good infrastructure, health care, and educational facilities.


When will Turkish citizenship be withdrawn from its holder?

The Turkish authorities may withdraw Turkish citizenship from its holder in the following cases:

- If citizenship was obtained by fraudulent means.

- If the holder of the nationality is sentenced to imprisonment for a crime against the state.

- If the holder of the nationality was sentenced to imprisonment for more than 3 years, even if it was not related to any of the crimes mentioned in the law on nationality.

- If the citizenship holder participates in activities harmful to Turkish national security or public order.


Documents required to obtain a Turkish passport

To obtain a Turkish passport, you will need to submit the following documents:

- Your current passport

- A completed application form

- A recent passport photo

- Proof of Turkish citizenship (such as birth certificate or naturalization papers)

- Proof of residence in Turkey (such as a residence permit or utility bill)


Countries that a Turkish passport can enter without a visa

Following are the countries that a Turkish passport holder can enter without a visa: Albania - Antigua - Barbuda - Azerbaijan - Islands - Bahamas - Barbados - Bosnia - Herzegovina - Botswana - Brunei - Dominica - Egypt - El Salvador - Fiji - Grenada - Guatemala - Haiti - Honduras - Hong Kong - Indonesia - Israel - Jamaica - Kazakhstan - Kosovo - Kuwait - Kyrgyzstan - Lebanon - Macau - Macedonia - Malaysia - Maldives.


Countries that the Turkish passport enters with an automatic visa

Azerbaijan - Bolivia - Brazil - Cape Verde - Comoros - Ecuador - Egypt - Georgia - Guatemala - Guyana - Haiti - Jordan - Kazakhstan - Kosovo - Kuwait - Lebanon - Libya Mauritania - Moldova - Montenegro - Morocco - Nicaragua - Panama - Paraguay - Qatar - Russia Saint Lucia - Senegal - Serbia - Tajikistan - Tanzania - Turkmenistan - Ukraine - Uzbekistan Venezuela.


Frequently Asked Questions about Turkish Citizenship

There is a wide range of frequently asked questions about Turkish citizenship, through the following paragraph, we will ask and answer in detail.

What are the requirements for Turkish citizenship?

To be eligible for Turkish citizenship:

You must be over 18 years old.

- You have no criminal record.

-Have a minimum education (equivalent to high school in the United States).

-Pass the Turkish language test.

-Meeting certain financial requirements, such as getting a job or owning a property in Turkey.

-Proof that you have ties to Turkey, such as family members who are citizens or residency in the country.


How long does it take to obtain Turkish citizenship?

The process of applying for and obtaining Turkish citizenship can be got anywhere from a few months to two years. The duration varies depending on the applicant's file and the method through which he applied for citizenship.


What is the cost of obtaining Turkish citizenship?

There is no fee to apply for Turkish citizenship. However, there may be costs associated with taking the required language test and obtaining any supporting documents.


Can I obtain dual citizenship from Turkey and another country?

Yes, Turkey allows dual citizenship with most countries. However, there are some exceptions, so it is best to check with the embassy or consulate of both countries before applying for it.


What are the benefits of becoming a Turkish citizen?

As a Turkish citizen, you will enjoy all the rights and privileges that come with citizenship such as the right to live and work in Turkey without restrictions, and the right to own real estate freely and without the obligation to obtain security approval.


Which nationalities are most likely to apply for citizenship?

The most common nationalities that have been granted Turkish citizenship in recent years include Afghans, Albanians, Iranians, Pakistanis and Syrians. In 2019, a total of 449 Afghan nationals obtained Turkish citizenship. They were followed by Albanians (374), Iranians (360), Pakistanis (355), and Syrians (339). This statistic is just an example.

We at Binaa Real Estate are keen to meet the desires of our customers to apply for Turkish citizenship through real estate investment. We provide them with all appropriate offers that comply with the terms of application, in addition to providing them with a set of advice and services before buying and after purchase, and we take many steps and legal procedures for them with the help of our lawyer legal experts.

Visit our website frequently to see the latest developments in the Turkish Citizenship Law, because we monitor all new through it.

Editing: Building Real Estate ©


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