10 questions about the real estate appraisal document in Turkey

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10 questions about the real estate appraisal document in Turkey

Important questions that many people ask about the real estate appraisal document in Turkey, here are detailed answers.

10 questions about the real estate appraisal document in Turkey
29th April 2023
  • 1143

The real estate appraisal document in Turkey is one of the most important documents that you must provide when buying real estate in Turkey but if this is the first time that you buy real estate in this country, there will be many questions in your mind that you would like to get a full answer to, in this article we will raise and then answer them.

What is meant by the real estate appraisal document in Turkey?

Why is the controversy over this document so great in Turkey? What benefits do you offer to property buyers?

1- What is the importance of the real estate appraisal document?

The real estate appraisal document is necessary to accurately determine the value of the property, and this helps to make appropriate decisions regarding buying and selling, insurance and real estate financing.


2- Who issues the real estate appraisal document?

The real estate appraisal document is issued by accredited appraisal companies in Turkey, which are subject to supervision by the relevant government agencies.


3- What information does the real estate appraisal document report contain?

The real estate appraisal document report contains a set of information, such as the land and building area, the materials used in construction, the technical condition of the building, and the current prices in the area surrounding the property.


4- How long does it take to issue a real estate appraisal document?

The period for issuing the real estate appraisal document varies according to the size and nature of the property, but it usually takes a few days to a week.


5- What is the price of the real estate appraisal document?

The prices of real estate appraisal documents vary according to the size and nature of the property and care must be taken not to fall into the trap of obtaining cheap documents, as it may be fraud or the like, but in all cases its cost does not exceed 200 US dollars.


6- Is it possible to use old real estate appraisal documents?

It is not recommended to use old real estate appraisal documents as they may not be accurate due to changes in the real estate market.


7- How many copies of real estate appraisal documents must be issued?

Real estate procedures often require two copies of real estate appraisal documents: one for the person interested in buying or renting, and one for the person who owns the property.


8- Does the real estate appraisal document in Turkey have other uses?

Real estate appraisal documents can be used in courts in cases such as arbitration or insurance cases and in extracting and organizing some official transactions.


9- Should periodic updates be made to real estate appraisal documents?

There is no set date for periodic updates to the real estate appraisal documents, but they must be done in the event of any major changes in the real estate market.


10- Does the real estate appraisal document have an expiry date?

Yes, it expires 3 months after its issuance date.


Is buying real estate in Turkey a safe step?

Statistics indicate that the Turkish real estate market is flourishing and does not lose its value with time and therefore, many people prefer to invest their money in real estate rather than other investments and this confirms the interest of foreign investors to buy real estate in Turkey, and that it provides good opportunities for real estate investment and therefore, it is advised to deal with the official authorities specialized in the Turkish real estate market and document all contracts and agreements legally, to preserve the public and personal interest.


Are the laws of buying real estate in Turkey difficult?

Real estate ownership has become easily available to foreigners in recent years with simple procedures and without many conditions and the idea of ​​buying a property in Turkey was difficult in the past for a foreign investor, for various reasons such as the strict purchase conditions and with the modernization of the real estate purchase law in Turkey in 2012, the purchase procedures have become easier, but you must pay attention to the restrictions and conditions of some areas such as some neighborhoods of Istanbul.


What are the limits of real estate ownership in Turkey for foreigners?

It is known that foreigners have the right to acquire real estate in Turkey, provided that its area is less than 30 hectares, with the registration of this ownership in accordance with the laws and legislation in force in Turkey and foreigners can inherit ownership of the property, and ownership of the property is automatically transferred to the husband, wife, or children and the law on real estate ownership in Turkey allows non-Turkish (foreigners) to own property, provided that the property is not adjacent to any security or military area.


The most important documents that must be available when buying real estate in Turkey

The earthquake insurance policy in Turkey is compulsory in many legal transactions, the most important of which is the sale and purchase transactions of real estate and this policy covers disasters resulting from earthquakes, such as fires, floods and tsunamis, as the Natural Pest Corporation provides this insurance, as securing homes against earthquakes in Turkey is very important, as it helps to preserve the population and their property in the event of an earthquake.

This document is one of the basic criteria for conducting real estate purchase and sale transactions in Turkey and with the increasing interest in the safety of residents and the safety of homes, obtaining an earthquake insurance policy has become among the papers required to open water, electricity and other subscriptions.

Finally, if you have any questions or inquiries about the real estate sector in Turkey, do not hesitate to contact our real estate consultants who accompany you on comprehensive field tours to see the best and most important offers, as we work to help our clients obtain Turkish citizenship or real estate residence for you and all family members.


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