Owning real estate in Turkey or America

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Owning real estate in Turkey or America

Where do you own a property? In Turkey or America?

Owning real estate in Turkey or America
05th February 2023
  • 1185

One of the most difficult decisions that you may have to take in your life is the right place to buy real estate. There are those who say that owning real estate in Turkey is a wonderful opportunity, and there are those who choose America, and there are many differences and advantages that we will highlight in this article.


Live in America or in Turkey

Over the past many years, America was a dream shared by many people around the world. Life in America is characterized by a high level of luxury and wonderful quality that you cannot find in other places. Foreigners and investors specifically to other places, including Turkey, which is an ideal destination for investment.

America may not have completely lost the people who are passionate about it, as there are still hundreds of newcomers to it from everywhere, but Turkey has become a competitor that should not be underestimated at all, especially in light of the unlimited facilities that the Turkish government is keen to provide foreigners with, the most important of which is the possibility of obtaining Turkish citizenship in many ways, which It is the bridge to apply for the Turkish passport, which enters many countries around the world within many facilities, including one that does not require a visa at all, another that grants its holder an automatic visa upon arrival, and another that provides him with an electronic visa.


Differences between Turkey and America

Through the following points, we highlight the most important points of difference between Turkey and America. This is of interest to everyone who wants to live and settle outside the borders of his country.


It is suitable for the living and stability of students, those looking for work, and the stability of families.

The cost of living in it is generally low compared to others.

You need monthly transportation expenses of $40 and a maximum of $80.

Average apartment rents per month do not need more than $500.

There are monthly fixed bills that do not exceed 120 USD.

Most of the arrivals to Turkey are Arabs.

The Arabs choose Turkey because there are similarities between the Arab and Turkish societies, such as religion and culture with its high diversity, as well as customs and traditions.

In Turkey, it is easy to obtain a residence document, whether it is real estate, tourism, student, family, or otherwise.

Real estate prices in Turkey are low compared to other surrounding countries.

With everything in it, it is considered a fertile environment for long-term residence and even short-term residence, such as being there for tourist periods.



It is the best place to study and work.

The cost of living in it is somewhat high.

Transportation costs per month may reach 150 USD.

Real estate rents range between 1,000 and 1,500 US dollars per month.

Fixed bills may reach more than 400 USD.

There is no Arab interest in America, as their percentage does not exceed 4%.

The only widespread culture is Western culture in particular.

Obtaining one type of residency is somewhat difficult.

America, with all that it has, is an ideal place for long-term settlement and residence.


Real estate ownership areas in Turkey and America

Not all regions and states in America are suitable for real estate investment and owning real estate, as there are cities that have ingredients that other cities lack, the most famous of which are Washington, California, New York, and Villa Delphia. Los Angeles and Boston also attract foreigners and investors, while there is a clear aversion and aversion from the city of Milwaukee, Rockford, and others, as they are It is considered somewhat dangerous, with high crime rates and widespread unemployment.

As for real estate ownership in Turkey, all Turkish cities are suitable for this purpose, whether for housing or real estate investment. Distinguished results can be reaped, but Istanbul, Antalya, Izmir, Trabzon and the Turkish capital, Ankara, top the list. There are no dangerous places that should not be approached. What can be said in this regard is that Turkey is a safe environment for any real estate project.


Advantages of real estate investment in Turkey

Turkey is an attractive destination for real estate investment due to its strong economy and government incentives. The country has a low cost of living and provides investors with a variety of opportunities for real estate investments in both residential and commercial real estate.

The Turkish government offers tax incentives to attract foreign investors, including exemption from real estate transfer taxes. In addition, interest rates on mortgage loans are much lower than in many other countries.

Turkey is also experiencing rapid economic growth which has increased demand for residential and commercial properties. This has translated into higher rental yields and appreciation in property value. As such, real estate investors can benefit from the country's strong economic performance.

Finally, Turkey is home to world-class infrastructure that makes it an attractive destination for those looking to invest in real estate. This includes excellent transportation networks, access to reliable facilities, and advanced telecommunications systems. These features make Turkey an ideal place to buy real estate as there are ample opportunities for short-term and long-term growth. 

Own real estate in Turkey

Is Turkey's real estate sector outperforming America?

It is difficult to say whether the real estate sector in Turkey is outperforming America because the two markets have different dynamics. However, Turkey has seen some positive growth and development in the real estate sector, with evidently rising prices, increasing demand for apartments and an increasing number of new properties being built. In major cities, this indicates that the sector is showing signs of positive performance.


Your real estate opportunity in Turkey with Binaa Real Estate Company

With years of experience in this field, Binaa Real Estate Company offers a wide range of properties that meet your lifestyle and investment goals, from luxury villas to commercial properties, you will find the perfect option for your needs, through our experienced team and comprehensive services, we can help you navigate the entire process from start to finish.


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