The transportation network in Istanbul .. development and modernity

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The transportation network in Istanbul .. development and modernity

The prominent role of advanced transportation in Istanbul in raising the level of services in the city

The transportation network in Istanbul .. development and modernity
14th November 2022
  • 1335

The city of Istanbul has a modern and developed transportation network in Istanbul that is no less important than what exists in other major and developed cities in the world, as the Turkish government is keen to constantly develop it in order to match the high population density in that city, so what you do not know about it is that it is one of the most crowded cities Globally.

In this article, and with the editorial team at Benaa Real Estate Company, you will learn about the most important types of transportation in that city, as well as some other aspects related to it.


Types of transportation in Istanbul

The development that the city of Istanbul is known for has included its various aspects and sectors, as well as transportation as part of it. The following are the most prominent means of public transportation in that city, so check them out:


First: the metrobus

The Metrobus in Istanbul is a modern, air-conditioned bus system that operates on dedicated lanes, making it faster and more reliable than conventional buses.

It has several features that make it an attractive option for travelers:

- It is faster than conventional buses, making it ideal for time-pressed commuters.

- More reliable than conventional buses, as it does not get stuck in traffic.

- Air-conditioning, which makes it more comfortable for passengers in hot weather.


Second: the metro

The metro has many advantages in Istanbul. The first and most obvious is that it is a very efficient way to get around. The metro can take you from one side of the city to the other in a matter of minutes, and is much cheaper than taking a taxi or driving your own car.

Another advantage of the metro is that it is very clean and safe, the trains are always clean and well lit, there are security cameras everywhere and there are also security guards on every train, so you can be sure that you will be safe while using the metro.

Finally, the metro is a great way to avoid traffic. If you've ever been stuck in traffic in Istanbul, you know how frustrating it can be and will help you avoid all those traffic jams and get you to where you need to go quickly and easily.


Third: Tramway

The city has an extensive public transport system that includes buses, metro, ferries and even a tram line and is a popular mode of transportation for locals and tourists alike. Some of its advantages are as follows:

- It can transport large numbers of people quickly and efficiently.

- It is affordable and the ticket prices are very reasonable, making it a great option for travelers on a budget.

- There are many stations around the city, so you can easily get to where you need to go.

- The seats are spacious and comfortable, and the ride is smooth.


Fourth: regular buses

 Here are some of the main advantages of using regular buses in Istanbul:

- It's much cheaper than other options and a single trip on a regular bus costs only a few TL, while a taxi ride can cost 10 times that.

- It's faster than walking and often as fast as taking a taxi, it can use dedicated bus lanes and it's more comfortable than walking or riding a public tram, since it's air-conditioned.

- It provides a great way to see the city, as it makes it easy to get to all the major tourist attractions.


Fifth: Dolmish

It is a shared taxi service that is very popular in Istanbul. It is an inexpensive and convenient way to get around the city. It operates on fixed routes. You can drop off one anywhere along the way. You can also flag one down if you see one going in your general direction.


Sixth: ferries

Ferries are a popular mode of transportation for both locals and tourists alike, and there are many advantages to riding a ferry over other forms of transport.

Firstly, ferries are generally cheaper than other options such as taxis or private cars and if you are on a tight budget, a ferry ride is a great way to save some money and secondly, ferries provide a unique way to see the city and you can enjoy views of both the European and Asian sides of Istanbul while on the ferry and finally, Ferries are usually faster than other modes of transport during rush hour traffic, so if you need to get to your destination quickly, taking a ferry is often your best option.


Seventh: taxis

Taxis in Istanbul are a great way to get around the city, especially if you are not familiar with the public transportation system. Taxis are relatively inexpensive and can be found at most major intersections. You can also call a taxi service to pick you up from your location wherever you are.


Advantages of buying a property in Istanbul near transportation

There are many advantages to buying a property in Istanbul near transportation and the most important advantage is that you will be able to save time and money in transportation and with the new metro lines, access to Istanbul has become more accessible, making it easier for people to move around and if you live in a neighborhood near a station Metro, you will be able to save a lot of money on transportation costs.

Another benefit of living near transportation is that you will have access to more amenities and if you live in a neighborhood that is not well connected to public transportation, you may find it difficult to get to the grocery store or other necessary places. However, if you live near metro station, you will have easy access to all the amenities you need.



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