Conditions for obtaining Turkish citizenship by buying a property

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Conditions for obtaining Turkish citizenship by buying a property

Procedures and conditions for applying for Turkish citizenship by buying a property in Turkey

Conditions for obtaining Turkish citizenship by buying a property
11th July 2022
  • 3063

There are many ways to obtain Turkish citizenship that has attracted a lot of attention and has become one of the most important nationalities around the world due to the many privileges that its holder can obtain. This is among the many facilities provided by the Turkish government to those wishing to obtain it.

The editorial team at Binaa Real Estate decided in this article to present to you Turkish citizenship and the conditions for obtaining it by buying a property in Turkey, and many other aspects related to it will be highlighted.

We hope to answer your various questions.


How do I obtain Turkish citizenship by buying a property?

It is known that the Turkish government is constantly issuing many amendments. Turkish laws are flexible and compatible with the interests of foreigners. According to the recent amendments that were issued, it was approved to raise the value of the property suitable for obtaining Turkish citizenship from 250 thousand US dollars to 400 thousand US dollars. It is worth noting that this decision did not affect the investor’s decision at all to obtain this citizenship, and it is still his first goal, and the demand for the real estate market in Turkey in order to achieve this goal has not diminished, and the number is expected to increase significantly in the coming days, especially in light of the deteriorating conditions in which many countries are living, especially the countries of the Middle East.


Conditions for obtaining Turkish citizenship through real estate:

Although obtaining Turkish citizenship by buying a property is very easy, this does not negate the existence of a number of conditions that must be met in the property, and in the event of any deficiency or violation of any of them, the property will be unsuitable to apply for.

Through the following paragraph, you can see the most important conditions for obtaining Turkish citizenship by buying real estate in Turkey:

1 - We have previously indicated that the property price must be at least 400,000 US dollars, or the equivalent of this value in Turkish lira.

2 - The buyer must not hold one of the nationalities that are prohibited from owning real estate in Turkey, such as Syria, North Korea, Greek Cyprus, Cuba and Armenia, which were not covered by the abolition of reciprocity law issued in 2012 due to some historical agreements and political positions.

3 - Buyers of real estate in Turkey in order to obtain Turkish citizenship must not sell the property before three years have passed since the date of its purchase.

4 - It is not possible to obtain Turkish citizenship without obtaining a real estate appraisal report, which is the legal guide that guides you to the price of the property, and since the Turkish government has recognized the need to extract it and the foreign influx to Turkey has started to rise significantly, it makes the investor feel safe that he will not pay any amount of money in the wrong place Correct and will not be a victim of any real estate fraud.

(You must know that the real estate valuation report can be extracted by a specialized company licensed by the Turkish government, and if this is done from an unlicensed company, it will be unrecognized).

5 - The property must be legally registered in the title deed Directorate, and then pay its full value through a bank in Turkey. This is one of the basic conditions for obtaining that citizenship.

6 - The property should be purchased from a Turkish construction company or a Turkish person in particular, and if the purchase was made from a foreign party, the property will not be suitable for application.

7 - Make sure that the property is not used earlier in obtaining Turkish citizenship, otherwise it will not be appropriate to apply for it.


Conditions for obtaining a real estate appraisal document:

In this paragraph, you can see how to extract a real estate appraisal document, as it is one of the main steps.

We have already mentioned the need to extract this evaluation, as it contains all the information related to the property and its status in the real estate market is indicated, but do not overlook the need to extract it by a company approved by the Turkish government, and it takes a period of time ranging from three days to a week as a maximum, and it is valid The validity is for three months, and if you need it after this period, you will have to get another one.


Documents required to obtain Turkish citizenship:

Take a look at the documents that must be obtained to obtain Turkish citizenship through the following points:

A copy of the passport and it must be translated into the Turkish language and certified by the notary public.

A copy of the passports of each family member, and each of them must be translated into Turkish.

The family book and a clearing paper to prove that the foreigner was not involved in any crime previously.

Personal Photos.

A copy of the title deed.

Real estate appraisal document.

Receipts issued by the punctuation confirming the payment of the property value through a bank.

Receipts confirming the buyer's receipt of the property price through a bank.

(Note: All papers and documents must be certified by the Notary Public and translated into Turkish).


How long should I wait before obtaining citizenship?

One of the common questions asked by those interested in this subject is the time required before obtaining this citizenship, is it long? In fact, obtaining this citizenship will pass through several stages and it varies from person to person, but in general we can tell you that it ranges between 3 to five months as a maximum before obtaining it.


Is real estate the best way to obtain Turkish citizenship?

Investors and everyone who is interested in obtaining Turkish citizenship unanimously agreed that one of the best ways to obtain it is real estate, because of the many benefits and countless privileges that it brings to them. Here are the full details of the matter:

1 - Recently, the value of the Turkish lira has declined significantly against foreign currencies, which led to many investors and capital owners taking the decision to buy real estate and real estate investment in Turkey. This allows them to obtain many profits in the future.

2 - Turkish law did not recognize the necessity of purchasing specific properties to apply for that citizenship, but rather left the field open for the investor to choose what suits him when he meets the stipulated conditions.

3 - All family members can obtain this citizenship under specific conditions, the most important of which are:

The children must be under the age of eighteen.

It cannot be granted to more than one wife if the foreigner is married to more than one woman.

4 - Do not forget that real estate in Turkey is a profitable investment through which a lot of high profits can be obtained, especially in the tourist seasons, where the demand for real estate increases significantly.

In this context, it is necessary to point out a very important thing, which is that many investors and people believe that they may lose part of their capital due to their inability to sell the property before three years have passed, but the reality is otherwise, as real estate prices in Turkey or in other countries The world is constantly increasing, which makes you in front of a sure profit.


Other ways to obtain Turkish citizenship:

It is necessary to mention all other ways through which Turkish citizenship can be obtained, which we will review in full through the following paragraph:

1 - A foreigner can apply for it by depositing an amount of at least 500,000 US dollars in a bank in Turkey for a period of no less than three years.

2 - Financial investment or purchase of bonds or shares with a value of no less than $500,000 for a period of three years.

3 - If a Turkish family adopts a foreign citizen, he can obtain citizenship, but he must be under the legal age and not be a source of danger to public security in Turkey.

4 - This can be done when proving Ottoman assets through papers and documents that confirm this.

5 - By marrying a Turkish citizen, where Turkish law allows you to apply for it after three years.


Benefits of obtaining Turkish citizenship:

Certainly, the main objective of obtaining Turkish citizenship is the great desire to benefit from the many advantages that this citizenship offers, and through the following paragraph, it will be discussed in detail.

1 - Double nationality:

Whoever holds that nationality will be able to retain his first nationality or the nationality of the country to which he belongs.

He can benefit from all the advantages offered by both nationalities at the same time.


2- Turkish citizenship rights:

The holder of Turkish citizenship can benefit from all the rights and privileges that a Turkish citizen usually obtains.

He can vote in general elections, participate in political life and determine the fate of the country.

Obtaining distinguished job opportunities in both the public and private sectors.

Occupation of professions in which a foreigner is prohibited from working, such as veterinary medicine, pharmacy and customs clearance.

Benefit from educational and medical facilities at discounted or free rates.

Among the information that is important to note is that the Turkish government is very keen that there is no discrimination between the Turkish citizen and the foreign citizen, and this is precisely what encouraged foreigners to apply for it


3- A booming economy:

The Turkish economy is progressing at a steady pace and great growth, thanks to the young composition of the population in Turkey, in contrast to the situation in most European countries that suffer from a large population pyramid, in addition to the strategic plans set by the Turkish government, according to what was reported by a European study in the current year 2022 AD. It is worth noting The Turkish economy is expected to be at the forefront of the world's economies during the coming period, specifically within the first five centers.


4- Political stability:

The Turkish state lives in a state of political stability that differs from the countries of the Middle East, and as a result, we find it today the focus of the attention of many investors around the world, especially Arabs and Gulf people among them.

It cannot be overlooked about all the other privileges that prompted foreign investors around the world to choose to buy a property in Turkey to obtain Turkish citizenship specifically without other important nationalities around the world, most notably:

The geographical location of the Turkish state, which mediates the world and links the East and the West.

The many facilities provided by the Turkish government to those who wish to buy real estate in Turkey.

tax cuts.

Turkey is a suitable environment for living and stability, where all the necessities of an ideal life are available.

The cost of living in Turkey is low compared to the costs that you will find in other countries.

Real estate prices in Turkey are considered low compared to the prices in the European Union.


There are many competent authorities and real estate companies that provide the investor with suitable properties to obtain Turkish citizenship, in addition to a set of advice and advice that they always need.

But if you are wondering about the ease of finding a suitable property for obtaining Turkish citizenship, this is very easy, as construction companies are always keen to build projects that conform to the conditions for obtaining it in accordance with the provisions of the Turkish Constitution.


In conclusion: In Binaa Real Estate we provide all the services needed by real estate investors in the world, especially those who wish to obtain Turkish citizenship, and we provide them with the advice and consultations they are looking for, in addition to answering their various questions and inquiries.

We put in your hands a set of real estate offers suitable for submission and suitable for real estate investment so that you have achieved two goals together to obtain citizenship and abundant profit .. You can contact our real estate consultant now.


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