Turkish citizenship or Arab citizenships

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Turkish citizenship or Arab citizenships

The advantages of both Turkish nationality and Arab nationalities

Turkish citizenship or Arab citizenships
07th February 2023
  • 1228

The editorial team at Binaa Real Estate Company chose in this article to highlight some Arab nationalities and their strength and compare them with the Turkish nationality to discover the best and easiest to obtain. If this topic interests you, do not hesitate to follow up with us until the end.


The most important Arab nationalities .. Get to know them

Certainly, not all Arab countries are willing to grant foreigners their nationality, coupled with its many advantages, but some of them did, but within specific conditions.

1- Saudi nationality

Those who were born inside Saudi Arabia and whose parents are foreigners can obtain it, or whose father is foreigner and whose mother is Saudi. Even if he was born outside Saudi Arabia and his father is foreigner and his mother is Saudi, he can obtain it, but this is after fulfilling a number of conditions, which are as follows:

He is not granted Saudi nationality until he reaches the age of eighteen.

He must be of good conduct.

He has never been charged with a criminal case.

Know the Arabic language well.

Not have been imprisoned in a moral case for more than 6 months.

To hold permanent residence.

Whoever suffers from a defect or mental problem, the guardian is responsible for him.

If the foreign father obtained the Saudi nationality, the children, even if they did not reach the legal age, would be able to obtain it automatically.


2- Algerian nationality

Foreigners can obtain Algerian citizenship if they meet the following conditions.

To have resided in Algeria for a period of no less than 7 years.

When completing the procedure for granting citizenship and putting the last signatures must be there.

He must be over the legal age of eighteen.

He must be of good and honorable reputation.

To provide evidence of the money and resources he owns that secure a decent life for him.

He should be mentally and physically healthy.

To have the ability to integrate with Algerian society easily.

In this context, it must be noted that Algerian nationality can be obtained through marriage after at least 3 years have passed since its history, and there are many exceptional cases in which nationality is granted to a foreigner, such as someone whose family has died or an individual who provided a lot of benefit and achievements to the state. Finally, remember that the holder of that nationality will enjoy all the rights available to indigenous citizens and, in return, will be fully committed to their duties.


3- Egyptian nationality

There are also a set of conditions that must be met for those who wish to obtain the Egyptian nationality. First, they must be of good health and of sound mind, in addition to being of good behavior and not having been sentenced to criminal, judicial or moral rulings, and having a good source of income.

How is that citizenship obtained? Of course, there are specific ways:

He must own real estate on Turkish land with an amount of no less than 500 thousand US dollars.

To have a commercial investment project with an amount of not less than 400 thousand US dollars, or to have a participation in one of not less than 40% of the total capital of the project.

Putting at least 750,000 US dollars in banks, and the amount must have been transferred from outside the country, and this amount cannot be returned before the passage of at least 5 years from the date of its deposit.

It can be obtained by placing an amount of one million US dollars in the bank, provided that the amount is transferred from abroad, and this can be retrieved within 3 years only.


Turkish citizenship

Recently, Turkish citizenship has gained a lot of fame, importance, and high prestige among businessmen, investors, and everyone who desires to obtain dual citizenship, especially in light of the unlimited facilities that the Turkish government is keen to provide to foreigners and the multiple ways through which it can be acquired.

How can one obtain this nationality? Here are the details:

Real estate investment with a value of not less than 400 thousand US dollars.

Bank deposit of no less than 500,000 US dollars.

Business investment of at least $500,000.

Marriage to a Turkish citizen or citizen.

Exceptional citizenship for those who preceded it with an achievement beneficial to the state.

Adoptive naturalization for someone under the legal age.

Proof of origins and affiliation with the Turkish state.

In this context, it should be noted that the most common method among those interested in this subject is real estate investment. According to the official authorities, more than 40% of applicants for real estate ownership in that country are seeking citizenship because it is the fastest in terms of time and the most beneficial, as the property can be used in the real estate investment project. To reap high profits.

Turkish Citizenship

What are the reasons why Turkish citizenship is of interest to many?

In addition to it, it is possible to keep the first nationality and benefit from their advantages together.

Obtaining the Turkish passport, which is one of the most powerful passports in the world.

Free education can be obtained in the most important schools and universities.

Receiving medical treatment and taking advantage of the various perks that come with it such as low prices and high quality.

You can vote in general elections, run for prestigious positions, and participate in the country's political life.

It is possible to work in professions that foreigners are prohibited from practicing, such as veterinary medicine, customs clearance, pharmacy and law.

Distinctive job opportunities can be obtained in the public and private sectors.

It can be granted to family members, but under conditions such as that the children are not under the legal age, and in the event that there are two wives, only one can obtain it.

Recently, the Turkish government may have issued many amendments regarding obtaining Turkish citizenship, especially through real estate investment, and it may have become more difficult, but this is only in order for the matter to become more selective in light of the great rush for it, and it still excels today with its advantages that it gives. Its bearer is in many Arab and European countries as well.


You can follow our website constantly in order to see the latest news of the real estate market in Turkey and developments in the Turkish citizenship law and other related laws.

We are keen in Binaa real estate to answer your inquiries accurately.


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