Types of Tapu in Turkey

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Types of Tapu in Turkey

The different types of the Tabu document in Turkey and the characteristics of each type

Types of Tapu in Turkey
14th November 2022
  • 1453

There are many details that you should know and look at when buying real estate in Turkey, the most important of which are (Title Deeds and its types), its features, the papers that you must bring, the notes that must be taken into consideration, and other matters.


What is meant by the Title deed document in Turkey?

The tapu is the title deed for your property in Turkey and it is issued by the Land Registry Office.

The document shows who owns the property, the size and location of the land, any buildings on the land, and any restrictions on the property and is an important document because it proves your ownership of the property and gives you the right to live in it or sell it.


Types of Title deed in Turkey

According to the real estate law in Turkey, there are many types of title deed that are granted to the buyer when buying a property in Turkey, and this depends on the condition of the property that he purchased. In this context, you must pay close attention to this matter, as there may be a legal problem that hinders the purchase process.


First: the agricultural and residential title deeds

The title deed for this type of land is known as the blue taboo, and the agricultural title deed is highlighted in blue to distinguish it from the red residential property title deed. The difference between the blue and red title deeds is that the blue title deed is for agricultural land and the red title deed is for residential property.

When buying a property in Turkey, the owner gives the buyer the title deed, which is an official document proving your possession and possession of the property in Turkey officially, and it is one of the most important official documents when it comes to real estate in Turkey.


Second: the floor easement title

The floor easement is a sign placed on the title deed (Title deed), related to land that has not been built on, or to land on which construction work has begun and has not yet been completed. .


Third: the real estate easement and the full title deed

The real estate easement Title deed in Turkey is a sign placed on the title deed that pertains to a land unless any buildings have been built on it yet, or for a land whose construction has begun but has not yet been completed. The ownership easement rights and registration of the property in Turkey are established with the Real Estate Registry Department.

When you buy an apartment in Turkey within a ready-to-deliver project, you will receive a full title deed upon completion of the construction work and the property is ready for occupancy, which is the official and final document that records ownership of the property after its complete completion.


Fourth: The joint real estate title

Joint title deed is a modern procedure of its kind in Turkey in which “joint property” is registered. This term means property that is registered in the name of more than one owner and can be divided into shares. This type of ownership is suitable for spouses or partners who want to buy a property together.

 While buying a property with a joint title deed, all the partners must provide a statement of their shares in the property, for example, if one of the partners wants to sell his share to another partner, the other partners must give their consent.


Fees for obtaining a real estate title deed in Turkey

The fees for issuing the title deed are determined on the basis of 4% of the price of the property to be sold. These fees are paid when the full amount of the property is paid. If the amount of the property is paid in cash, the tapu fees are paid directly to the state. As for this amount, it is paid equally between the buyer and the seller, and in some cases. Sometimes it is agreed that the buyer pays it in full.


The papers required to extract the title deed of the property

In order to obtain a title deed in Turkey, foreigners must submit the following documents:

- A copy of their passport.

- A copy of the Turkish residence permit.

- A copy of the real estate sale agreement.

- The original title deed.

- The original real estate registry certificate.

- Earthquake insurance policy.

buy property in Turkey

Notes when extracting the property title

When you're ready to buy property in Turkey, you'll need to apply for a title deed at your local land registry office. The application process is relatively simple, but there are a few things to keep in mind.

You should have your passport and residence permit handy, in addition to the Turkish tax number which can be extracted from any tax office. You will also need to have the sales contract and a copy of the title deed (or “Tapu”) with you.

Once you arrive at the Land Registry Office, you will fill out an application form and pay a small fee and the staff will then search the land registry records and provide you with a copy of the Title Deed.

Keep in mind that it is important to have a Turkish-speaking lawyer or translator when dealing with the Land Registry Office, as all documents and forms are in Turkish.

In this context, it is important to know that the title deed can only be received by the owner of the property, and no one can act on his behalf except under an official power of attorney from him.


Contents of real estate deed in Turkey

Here are some tips on what to note on your title deed document:

- The date of extraction.

- The name and address of the notary public.

- Names and addresses of sellers and buyers.

- Property details, including title, size and any special features.

- The price of the property.

- Any other information relevant to the property or transaction.

Taking good notes will help you keep track of everything that happens during your title extraction process and will also be helpful if there are any issues that come up later on, as if all the information is documented it will be much easier to deal with.



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You always need an expert and specialist in the real estate market in Turkey when you want to take any step, whether buying or issuing legal and official papers, especially if this is your first experience in the Turkish real estate sector or you do not have enough knowledge to act on your own.

We at Binna Real Estate Company are fully prepared to guide you during your real estate purchase journey in Turkey, help you choose the right property for you, handle the routine paperwork, give you a lot of advice and consultations, and answer your various questions.


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